Price formation

It is often very difficult for a person uninitiated into all the subtleties, according to which real estate prices are formed, to understand pricing and understand its patterns. The most frequently asked question is: “Why can apartments that look the same at first glance differ in price?”. Let's figure it out.
The key factors influencing price formation are:
1. The cost of land under the house. The TOP position in the price of an object is occupied by the cost of land, and the major factor influencing price formation is the distance to the sea. On the first line (100 ... 200 meters from the sea), the cost of a site exceeds the cost of the entire construction, while a similar site 2 km from the sea can cost 5-10 times cheaper.
2. Infrastructure of the residential complex. The presence of own infrastructure, which differs significantly for detached houses and residential complexes, is also one of the key factors influencing the formation of real estate prices. This considers the presence in the house / residential complex of a swimming pool, sauna, hammam, cinema, underground parking, billiards, etc. The total cost of infrastructure is distributed proportionally between apartments and is considered in the cost per square meter.
3. Year of construction. The quality of construction in Turkey has increased many times over the past 10-15 years, so square meters in houses of the 90s are significantly (sometimes an order of magnitude) cheaper than in modern facilities, although they are superior in quality to construction projects in Russia / Ukraine of the 90s, and often and 2000s.
4. The availability of furniture and household appliances (stove, extractor hood, refrigerator, dishwasher and washing machine) in Turkey is usually also included in the apartment's price. Depending on the manufacturer and configuration, the influence of this factor on the formation of the price per square meter can vary significantly.
5. Finishing materials, the cost of design and permit documentation for the developer.