
Investment Property Calculator: Return On Investment in Turkey

Properties for sale for € 100 000

Counting of Profitability of the Investment Property in Turkey

Business is an important thing in every country of the world. Investment property also can be a business in many cases. Turkey is a country that is very popular with tourists. There is a big amount of them every year there. So the real estate market is well developed there. People buy investment property in Turkey and then they rent out it to the tourists. So this property brings benefits. Though many people don’t know any formula how to calculate rate of return on investment property. And this is the main thing in such kind of business.

Turkey – advantages in everything

Turkey is a country full of beautiful places. There are a lot of places of interest – this country has a rich history. This attracts people very much. But not only this. Turkey is a country of three seas and on the banks of each one there are nice cities and towns with all necessary things for the tourists. Among them there are hospitals, public transport, shops and so on. The main thing that attracts people to this country is clean water. It is everywhere and not only in the seas (there are nice lakes near Ankara for example). There are also beautiful mountains, where some agencies organize tours. People who like active rest at night also will find what to do.

The transport infrastructure is also well-developed. Good roads without pits are everywhere – even near the Syrian border. Buses go everywhere. Railroads are also well developed. Modern rolling stock, comfortable carriages and multiple units will deliver tourists wherever they want. Inside the country there are also local airlines that connect big cities. The international flights are also well-developed. Tourists often use ships to enjoy their time. In all the cities there are local buses and route taxis (they are called dolmushes in Turkey). In bigger cities there are also LRT (light rail transit) and BRT (bus rapid transit) systems with modern and high speed rolling stock.

Climate is one more factor that influences the attractiveness of Turkey. It is warm but not hot in summer and cool but not too cold in winter (except for the areas in mountains and in the middle of the country). Summer is almost without rain. In winter it often rains near the seas and it often snows in the areas in the middle of the country and in mountains.

Among the most popular cities on the northern coast (where the Black Sea is) are Samsun and Sinop. Samsun is a big city with LRT system, railroad station and nearby airport. It is known for some of its places of interest and beaches. Sinop is much smaller and it’s known for its historical battles. It is situated on a hilly peninsula. It’s a quiet place with nice climate. There are modern buildings, narrow streets and cheap hotels. And also there are clean beaches and beautiful landscapes. The peninsula is washed by water on the north, south and east. People can reach this place by bus and an airliner. There is an airport nearby (like in Samsun).

Istanbul is one of the most popular cities at the banks of the Sea of Marmara. It’s the biggest city in Turkey, that is located in Europe and Asia. There are nice beaches and a lot of places of interest. It’s the main city in the whole country though it is not the capital of it. Bridges and tunnels connect two banks of the Bosphorus Strait that connects Black Sea with other ones. Ships that move through this straight are also interesting for many tourists.

There are also a lot of smaller cities like Gebze, Izmit, Bandirma that are popular with travelers. Gebze has population a bit more than 200000 people and it it connected with Istanbul by local electric trains. It is located on the northern bank of the Izmit Bay and it is connected with southern bank by ferries. It’s a good city for a rest.

Izmit is also not a big city. It is located at the pit of Izmit bay. It is not so popular with beaches, travelers prefer to visit museums. One of the most popular among them is the Gayret Museum Ship. It’s a destroyer class ship. There is a tram system in the city. All tramcars are modern ones.

Bandirma is also not a big city. It is not so popular with tourists but people go there because there is a sea terminal there. Cruise ships enter its port. That’s the main thing in Bandirma city. There is also a nice marina for yachts there.

The whole Antalya district is the most popular place in the south of Turkey, at the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. Clean beaches and crystal water are two factors that attract visitors the most there. It consists of such famous cities like Antalya and Alanya. Antalya is a big city with tram system, airport and well developed infrastructure. Beaches attract tourists the most there.

Alanya is also a big city but not so big like the capital of the region. It is also popular for its beaches. Also there are other places of interest and there are tours to mountains there.

For those people who don’t like such typical places like Antalya and Alanya there is another city on the Mediterranean Sea shore that is called Kusadasi. Kusadasi is much different to compare with other cities. It is much smaller. Its population is only over 100000 people. The only connection with nearby big city (Izmir) is bus. It is one more city that is famous for its beaches. But there are also some places of interest there.

It’s cheap to live in Turkey. Accommodation is not expensive and taxes are low. So it’s a nice place not only to spend a holiday but also to be there for a long time. In any place of Turkey the investment property will bring profit, that investor may count up by a special calculator.

Getting benefits from real estate

There are some variants of how to get benefits from investment property. They are such:

  • Resale. Some investors buy properties when they are not built yet. Investors buy the properties when the apartment complexes are only on the stage of quarries. On this stage real estate costs much cheaper when it is already built. Then some people prefer to sell it to another buyer. Then it will bring benefits. How much – the seller should use yield calculator.
  • Long-term rental. In such a case, a person buys an investment property in order to rent it out for tourists. Or even not for tourists but for people who want to live in Turkey for a long time. In such a thing, it is important not only to use yield calculator to find out how much benefit the investor gets. It is also important to calculate capital gains tax. It is important to calculate capital gains tax because an investor should know how much he or she will lose for taxes while selling his or her investment property.
  • Short-term rental. This is the most suitable variant for those people who rent on their investment property for tourists. They rent it on for a short period of time. It is also important to count capital gains tax in such a moment. So the investor will know much he will pay for taxes for his real estate in Turkey.

In any case, it is important to count CGT using yield calculator real estate. But not only this investor can count with yield calculator real estate. He or she can also count benefits and find out how much he or she will get for the rent.

Steps of counting of benefits for rent on property using return on investment calculator for real estate

There are three variants of doing property investment countings. They are such:

  • Resale. If an investor wants to do property investment calculations in such a thing, he should firstly to enter the price of return on investment in an appropriate field. It’s a price that shows how much investor wants for his return on investment.
    Then user enters the price of first payment to the return on investment counter. Usually an owner it is 30% of the return on investment. It is a typical practice for all such operations. Though an investor should to input the price of first payment to the return on investment ROI calculator. It is not difficult to count it using a formula of percent.
    The next step is to input a monthly payment amount for the return on investment to the investment calculator. This is that price which a new buyer should pay for the return on investment each month. It is less than the price of first payment. It should also been put in to the investment calculator by the seller.
    The realization period is the last field in the investment calculator that should be filled in. It means how long the time of realization of the property will take from the investor and a buyer. The investor also fills it into investment calculator by himself.
    Then the ROI calculator does all the operations in an automatic mode. After all operations are done the investor gets all important information. And then he or she understands how much profit he or she will get for the property.
  • Long-term rental. The investor should put into the ROI calculator the price of an apartment. This is the price which property has in general. Then the owner inputs to the ROI calculator the price of additional expenses. They include furniture and so on. For 1+1 property it is much. And then the owner puts into a ROI calculator the price of aidat. The aidat is the price that is spent for paying for gas, water and other things that are important for a normal live in the property.
    When all these things are put into the ROI calculator, the investor chooses the variant of his property and puts in to the ROI calculator the price of it per month. After this, the owner chooses how long (in months) he or she will rent on this property. Then the user presses the button “Calculate” and the ROI calculator does the operations in an automatic mode. The operations of the ROI calculator include the 15%-fee for rental. It is typical for Turkey.
  • Short-term rental. The first three fields that the investor should fulfill in the ROI calculator are the same as in long-term rental: price of property, aidat and additional expenses. The other things in ROI calculator are different. The owner inputs to the ROI calculator the rent per day for the property and the number of days for high, mid and low season. And then the ROI calculator does its operations. And the owner gets the result. For short-term rental the rental fee is bigger – 25%.

Count your return on investment right now using the ROI calculator.

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