March 2025 49,500 - 555,000 €
Looking for real estate to invest in?

Consider marketable, resale and appreciating real estate by the sea in sunny Alanya, Turkey!
Earn 15-40% on resale or up to 12% APR on rentals.
Alanya is Hayat Estate’s №1 choice for successful investments.

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with prices for Winter 2024-2025 (apartments from 49,500 - 555,000 €) and get access to current offers with prices from developers (no commission).

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    March 2025 49,500 - 555,000 €

    Real estate in Fethiye (Turkey)

    The most popular country among the Ukrainian population for vacation is resort Turkey, famous for its comfortable climate, natural beauty, ancient Greek and Byzantine cultural monuments. The country has a developed tourist infrastructure, high European level service, affordable prices.

    Throughout the country with the use of modern materials and technology is actively under construction of new buildings. As actively sold and bought Turkish real estate (one-, two-, three-room apartments, cottages, villas, apartments, small houses).

    Housing for sale in many Turkish cities: quiet and peaceful Kemer, elite Mahmutlar, the capital city of Istanbul, in the resorts of Alanya, Antalya, Belek, Bodrum, Izmir, Marmaris, Fethiye, others.

    Employees of the international agency Hayat Estate will help you choose and buy in any city in Turkey, including Fethiye, any real estate: 1-, 2-, 3-, 4-room apartment, apartments at the foot of the mountain, villa, house. The most cost-effective way to buy an apartment from the developer in a house under construction. This way you can save a lot of money.

    Why Fethiye?

    A small Turkish resort town is located on the turquoise coast of the cleanest and warmest in this place of the Mediterranean Sea, in close proximity to the Lycian Mountains. Here are harmoniously combined beautiful views, excellent ecology, unique historical sights, elite conditions for passive beach and active recreation. The resort has a quiet and measured life, which is the dream of many residents of megacities. Therefore, to buy real estate here - means a profitable investment. After all, you can rent a house, apartment, villa, receiving a significant additional income. At the same time, you can always come to your home on vacation or move here permanently.

    Hayat Estate Company will help you to find a suitable housing for all your requirements: studio, apartment, apartments, house, villa in the bay Oludeniz on the first line with its own access to the sea, commercial real estate.

    We will organize a trip to Turkey so that you can see any object and decide on the right choice.

    Services of Hayat Estate Agency

    Our company has been working in the foreign real estate market for a long time, our employees are well aware of all its nuances, have collected a huge database of housing (elite, budget, apartments, studios, private houses, townhouses with plots of land). We are professionals who are responsible for their work. If you choose us, rest assured, you will not be left without a desirable overseas residential or commercial real estate. We work in different countries of the world: Greece, Turkey, Spain, Italy, Bulgaria, Germany, Montenegro, Croatia, Cyprus, Thailand, others, we help to obtain citizenship, residence permits, remotely arrange the purchase of housing, organize online previews of selected objects. It is possible to purchase apartments under the management of large hotel chains MARRIOTT, WYNDHAM, BEST WESTERN.

    You can consult us free of charge by phone or come for a cup of coffee in our Kiev office.

    We help people to buy real estate abroad for permanent residence, vacations or renting.

    Invest in your future with us! We have favorable offers for you.

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    Частые вопросы о покупке недвижимости в Фетихе

    Квартиры/виллы сдаются с полной чистовой отделкой, встроенной кухней и санузлом, обычно в стоимость также входит мебель и бытовая техника (частично или полностью).

    Турция придерживается самых высоких стандартов и современных технологий. При этом качество строительства контролируется специальными органами. Дома строятся из монолитного железобетона, не несущие стены и перегородки могут быть из кирпича.

    Можно для родственников первой линии родства (муж/жена, дети).